
CarsArrive is encouraging all carriers to sign up to receive payment via (ACH)

With ACH/Direct Deposit, you'll receive fast, convenient payment for your deliveries within 24-48 hours (guaranteed from the time Proof of Delivery is received) straight to your bank account. No more worrying about lost checks or trips to the bank and you won't have to cash or obtain an express code! Enjoy the following benefits when you sign up for ACH/Direct Deposit: Direct payment to your bank account within 24-48 hours from receipt of Proof of Delivery Email and Fax payment confirmations upon completion (including all payment details necessary for reconciliation) Low 3% fee per load SIGNING UP IS FAST AND EASY! Simply fill out the form on the back of this page and return it as instructed. We'll do the rest and you'll start getting paid faster! Questions? Call (480) 556-5235 or email for more information.